As a kid, I used to think being immortal would be an awesome trait to have. It would be an incredible blessing to never have to fear death.
However, as I’ve grown older, I’ve taken this line of thinking a bit farther, and I realize that being immortal, by itself, is definitely more of a curse.
Don’t believe me? Well, go watch the latest Hellboy film, see how it worked out for Nimue, and tell me I’m wrong.
Our interpretation and worldview can turn a blessing into a curse, and a curse into a blessing. Our circumstances can do the same.
You have the power to change your circumstances in a number of ways, and voting is one of them. If you’re in Kentucky, you’re subjected to the earliest voter registration deadline of having to have your registration received by October 5th. If you’re in Rhode Island, your registration needs to be postmarked by the 4th. Everyone else, there’s not much more time, but there is time, so if you’re eligible, make sure you’re set up to vote.
Regardless whether you see the final outcome in the US Presidential election as a blessing or a curse, you should at least do the bare minimum to make the country what you want it to be.
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